
100 Best FY Scenes

Fushigi Yuugi, its characters and all other related elements listed here are owned by Watase Yuu. The manga form is owned as well by Shogakukan. The anime version is owned by Studio Pierot, Bandai Visual, TV Tokyo and Movic in addition to Watase Yuu. The North American rights to the anime is owned by Pioneer Entertainment while the North American rights to the manga is owned by Viz Communications.

The "All rights reserved by Best Scenes Staff" statement refers only to original work on this Internet site including HTML coding, design and content. We do not claim any other ownership than what is stated.

Thea for not getting too annoyed at our emails to the FYML ^_^

Mark Neidengard for use of his screen cap archive.

Ryuuen no Aisai for gratefully hosting the site.

Jai and Meri Lewis for their help in arranging the scenes in order ^_^;

Kai Ling for her screen cap help.

Jenn (Christian Bale no miko) for coming up with the idea in the first place.

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